Almudhaibai Charity

Almudhaibai Charity

Are you ready to help them? Lets become a volunteer!


Zakat AlMuhdaibai


Zakat AlMuhdaibai

Idea of ​​the Zakat Committee:
A charitable, voluntary, civil institution established in June 2018 AD, concerned with collecting zakat, alms and expiations from benefactors and charitable people, and delivering them to their legitimate beneficiaries in various villages of the state.

Vision and mission:
A distinguished service in the field of collecting and disbursing zakat, alms and expiations.

General objectives:
- Informing society about the importance of the obligation of zakat and encouraging them to give alms.
- Informing people about the legal differences between charity and zakat.
- Achieving the principle of solidarity and equality among members of society so that love and harmony prevail.
- Achieving the objectives of Zakat and Charity in Islam according to clear standards and special procedures in cooperation with various members of society and its institutions.
- Delivering Zakat, Charity and Atonement to those who deserve it.

Cases ( Zakat AlMuhdaibai )

You can make a big difference in the lives of many, lets all work together and be a reason to bring joy to those who need help most.

Programs ( Zakat AlMuhdaibai )


Library Directory

Zakat Committee Statistics 2021 - 2024

Zakat AlMuhdaibai



Photo Gallery

Zakat Al-Fitr
Zakat On cash
pays zakat 5000
give zakat
pay electronically
generous gift
generous gifts

Video Gallery
